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DALL·E 2023-11-28 22.33.59 - create a photograph quality image of the sunrise over the Adi

Best Rate Guarantee

Centrally Located to Everything in Lake George Village

Why Book Direct?

Best Rate Guarantee: We promise that you will not find a lower rate anywhere online

Most Flexible Cancellation Policy: Direct booking are subject to a far more flexible cancellation policy than bookings through online travel sites

Get the Best Rooms: Direct bookings receive placement priority in terms of newly upgraded rooms, superior lake views and better location

Avoid Hidden Fees: Avoid paying hidden fees and last minute price increases typical at third party online travel sites

Support Small Business in America: Online travel sites charge independently owned hotels, such as ours, commissions up to 30%.  Of course, franchised properties receive a much lower rate.  These sites are killing small, independent hotels.  By booking direct, you support our business and the Lake George community rather than a multi-national travel corporation.

Secure Online Reservations: Our site uses a secure system which interfaces with PayPal to deliver our guests encrypted transactions.  

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